Central Academy’s curriculum will be sufficiently broad to allow students the opportunity to study a range of subjects including: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Arabic Language, Science, Social Studies, PE, Technology, Art and Music.
Central Academy is committed to teaching and enforcing high-quality academic standards. It is the goal of the academic program at Central Academy to encourage each student to reach his/her maximum learning potential in all subject areas. Central Academy will achieve this level of excellence by providing an instructional program that directly meets the needs of every student. The mission and vision of the Academy is closely connected to the curriculum, which is the American Common Core State Standards. The American Common Core State Standards curriculum covers Mathematics and English Language Arts. The science standards to be used will be the Next Generation Science Standards. Therefore, all Central Academy students will acquire the skills necessary to be a well-rounded person on the path towards a successful educational and professional career.

GEE Character Traits
We believe that character education is a basic ingredient in the education process and this component hasn’t received the needed attention in the traditional educational system. Therefore, the Academy staff has identified the following character traits as important for the development of responsible citizenship. These character traits are taught and practiced throughout the school year in a variety of specific lessons and settings.
Respect is the foundation for a safe and peaceful school environment that is conducive to learning. Respect may be further divided into respect for oneself, respect for others and respect for property.
We have an obligation for our own thoughts, actions and feelings, taking pride in our efforts and successes. It also means that we admit when there is need for improvement. We apply what we have learned and make appropriate decisions.
Being grateful for the wonder and beauty of the world and its people.
Being dedicated to learning, persevering, and showing self-discipline and responsibility.
We believe that by working together we will produce quality work and achieve academic excellence.
Being grateful for the wonder and beauty of the world and its people.
Having a strong desire about the nature of learning and of the world, its people and cultures.
Imaginatively projecting oneself into another’s situation, in order to understand his/her thoughts, reasoning and emotions.
Having strong moral principles and a firm sense of fairness and honesty.
Feeling sensitivity towards differences and diversity in the world and being responsive to the needs of others.
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